The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent (2022)

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is one of the most meta comedies to be released this year. The film serves as a tribute to the filmography and persona of iconic actor, Nicolas Cage. Over the years, Cage has garnered a reputation for his unique acting style that has often been parodied and discussed and The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is a perfect response from the man himself. The film follows Cage playing a fictionalised version of himself who is offered $1 million to travel to Spain and attend billionaire Javi Gutierrez’s birthday party. Struggling to revitalise his career and maintain a relationship with his daughter, Cage soon finds himself in the middle of a major operation as CIA agents Vivian (Tiffany Haddish) and Martin (Ike Barinholtz) rely on Cage for intelligence.

Directed by Tom Gormican who cowrote the screenplay with Kevin Etten, The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent leans into everything we love about Nicolas Cage, even going as far as to include a version of Cage named “Nicky” that torments him about the direction his life has taken. The film acts as a retrospective of Cage’s vast filmography while also allowing Cage to showcase his talent thanks to the range that the role demands. The script may not be the most complex, but it doesn’t need to be as this film is all about the actor and his performance while also giving Pedro Pascal an opportunity to show that he is incredibly funny.

Nicolas Cage plays a fictionalised version of himself while also playing a hallucination that parodies an appearance Cage made on TV in the 1990s. His performance is quintessential Cage, bringing his signature charisma with a brilliant level of self-awareness, showcasing his passion for acting. What is fantastic about Cage’s performance is that it feels genuine and sincere in execution with plenty of nods and tributes to his extensive filmography. There are plenty of parodies and memes online surrounding Nicolas Cage and his performances, but it is often forgotten that the man is actually a brilliant actor and thay the charisma feeds into each of his performances, especially his action films of the 90s. Cage’s performance in The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent gives him the platform to show just how good an actor he is while equally feeding into the frenzy that surrounds him in popular culture.

In support, we have Pedro Pascal who plays billionaire Javi Gutierrez. Pascal has proven his dramatic skills, especially on TV with his performance in Game of Thrones still remaining a fan favourite even though he wasn’t in a lot of episodes. However, in The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent, Pascal shows that he is more than capable of pulling of a comical performance. Unpredictable and intense, Pascal feeds off Cage’s eccentric energy and the two make a great pair to watch throughout. What makes Pascal the perfect choice for the role is how likeable he is while also providing an intensity that works brilliantly against Cage’s eccentricity. It’s clear that Pascal is having a lot of fun in the role which makes it even more enjoyable to watch.

The score by Mark Isham plays into the action and feels reminiscent of Cage’s films from the 90s with a mix of fast-paced tracks to backdrop the chase scenes while slower and more dramatic tracks support the emotional moments between characters. The track “They Made You” is one of the highlights as it is filled with plenty of tension while also incorporating the Spanish guitar to reflect the film’s setting. Isham’s score works well as it fits the film perfectly while also leaning into Cage’s persona and filmography.

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is a wonderful celebration of Nicolas Cage and his unique charisma and acting style. However, the film isn’t simply a tribute to the star as it incorporates an intriguing storyline and a phenomenal turn by Pedro Pascal who has great chemistry with Cage throughout the film. With plenty of humour from beginning to end, there is also a thread of sincerity that brings an emotional weight to the film.

What did you think of The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent? Let me know in the comments below!

The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent is available to own on DVD and bluray!

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